
Windows 10 的 30 个基本 Windows 键键盘快捷键

Windows 键于 1994 年首次亮相,至今仍是 Windows 10 高级用户的必备工具。以下是您应该了解的适用于 Windows 10 的最重要的 Windows 键键盘快捷方式。

从 Windows 95 开始,Windows 键可以执行基本的桌面任务,例如打开开始菜单、最小化所有打开的窗口、循环浏览任务栏按钮等。 Windows 2000 带来了非常受欢迎的用于锁定桌面的键盘快捷方式。 Windows XP 带来了新的 Windows Key 快捷方式,例如选择通知区域中的第一项并打开“搜索计算机”。这个故事在 Windows Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8 和 8.1 中继续。Windows 10 提供了许多在过去几十年添加到 Windows 的有用快捷方式以及一些新快捷方式。

有许多键盘快捷方式涉及 Windows 键。以下是您应该了解的 30 条重要信息:

Shortcut Keys Description
Windows Key Opens/closes the Start menu.
Windows Key + Up Arrow Maximizes the selected window.
Windows Key + Down Arrow Reduces the window size. (Restore down.)
Windows Key + M Minimizes all open windows.
Windows Key + Shift + M Opens minimized windows.
Windows Key + Tab Shows Task View.
Windows Key + L Locks the screen.
Windows Key + A Opens the Action Center.
Windows Key + V Opens Clipboard History.
Windows Key + I Opens the Settings menu.
Windows Key + F Opens the Feedback hub.
Windows Key + H Opens the dictation toolbar.
Windows Key + P Opens the projection settings.
Windows Key + . (Windows Key + ;) Opens the emoji panel.
Windows Key + C Opens Cortana in listening mode.
Windows Key + C (Windows Key + Q) Opens Windows Search.
Windows Key + G Opens the Xbox game bar.
Windows Key + X Opens the secondary start menu.
Windows Key + <number> Opens the app in the taskbar relative to the number input.

For example, if Slack is the fourth app on the taskbar, using Windows Key + 4 will open Slack.

Windows Key + Alt + <number> Opens the right-click menu for the app in the taskbar relative to the number input.

For example, if Slack is the fourth app on the taskbar, using Windows Key + Alt + 4 will open Slack’s right-click menu.

Windows Key + D Shows/hides open apps on the desktop.
Windows Key + E Opens File Explorer.
Windows Key + U Opens Ease of Access in the Settings menu.
Windows Key + Print Screen Takes a screenshot of the desktop.
Windows Key + Control + F Opens the Find Computers window.
Windows Key + Control + D Creates a virtual desktop.
Windows Key + Control + Left Arrow Switches to the virtual desktop on the left.
Windows Key + Control + Right Arrow Switches to the virtual desktop on the right.
Windows Key + Control + F4 Closes the active virtual desktop.
Windows Key + Space Switches between installed languages (for writing text).